Friday, November 25, 2005

Panduan utk kontak dgn pasien paska RAI 131

Di bawah adalah web address yang berisi panduan bagi pasien yang akan menerima obat dengan bahan radioaktif yang dikeluarkan oleh Divisi Kedokteran Nuklir Rumah Sakit Universitas North Carolina. Not sure if patients in our country are also given such an instruction sheet prior to/after taking the medicine. Tapi rasanya points yg ada di sheet berikut bisa kita jadikan acuan untuk melakukan kontak dengan non-pasien, atau dengan pasien bila anda adalah bukan penerima RAI 131.
Semoga bermanfaat.

"Additional Instruction for Continuing Care Following Treatment with Radioactive Drugs," University of North Carolina Hospital, Division of Nuclear Medicine.


Anonymous said...

I would appreciate more visual materials, to make your blog more attractive, but your writing style really compensates it. But there is always place for improvement

Anonymous said...

No matter what others say, I think it is still interesting and useful maybe necessary to improve some minor things